80 Questions About Death—Answered Clearly, Directly, and Honestly. Thoughtful, concise, and easy to absorb, each question is answered on a single page and organized into 12 chapters.
1. Understanding the Nature of Death
Why do we die?
Is death the end or a transition?
If we all die, what’s the purpose of life?
Why is death part of life’s design?
2. The Soul, the Body, and the Afterlife
What happens to our soul when we die?
What happens to our body when we die?
Does the soul wait between death and the afterlife?
What if someone believes in reincarnation?
Does it matter if I’m buried or cremated?
Is it okay to donate my body to science?
Is it okay to donate my organs for transplant?
3. Facing Mortality: Fears and Uncertainties
Can a person escape death?
What does it mean to conquer death?
Is dying painful?
What makes us fear death?
Is it normal to fear dying more than death itself?
Why does death feel unfair sometimes?
Why do some desperately seek reasons for tragic death?
Does embracing mortality ease anxiety, bring happiness?
How does reflecting on death spur personal growth?
Does mortality give life more meaning?
Why is death a difficult topic to discuss?
Are we all truly equal in death?
Are animals aware of mortality?
4. The Afterlife and Belief
Can we know what happens after death?
Do we all go to heaven?
What if I worry my sins won’t be forgiven before I die?
What if someone doesn’t believe in an afterlife?
Will we be reunited with loved ones after death?
Is there a chance for learning or growth in the afterlife?
Is eternal life endless bliss or endless suffering?
5. Contact with the Deceased: Myths and Realities
Does a deceased person see or hear us?
Can the deceased help or influence events in this life?
Can a deceased person intercede for me?
Is it permissible to pray to the deceased?
Do spirits or ‘energies’ linger in familiar places?
Is it okay to think about someone who died?
Can I keep a relationship with someone who died?
Do dreams about the deceased mean anything?
6. Grief and Emotional Responses
Why do we grieve after someone dies?
Is it normal to cry or feel numb after a loss?
What if I don’t cry or feel sad after losing someone?
How do I cope with the death of a loved one?
How can I handle guilt after losing a loved one?
Is it wrong to feel happy after losing someone?
Why do we feel anger after a loss?
What are the stages of grief? Are they universal?
Is my grief normal, or is it depression or mental illness?
How can I heal after parting on bad terms?
Does time heal all wounds? Does grief last forever?
Why do some people avoid grieving?
Why are some at peace with death, and others not?
Can someone’s death bring relief to those left behind?
How and why do relationships change after a death?
7. Faith, Doubt, and Spiritual Perspectives
Does faith change our perception of death?
Is it normal to question my faith after a major loss?
Is anger toward the Creator normal after a major loss?
Do all religions view death the same way?
Is the angel of death real?
What do near-death experiences teach us?
8. Complex End-of-Life Questions
Is it natural to wish for death during hard times?
Is it ever justifiable to end one’s own life?
What is euthanasia, and why is it controversial?
Should we use all medical means to prolong life?
Can someone return to life after dying?
Can someone bring the dead back to life?
9. Overcoming Fear and Living Fully
How can I stop worrying about death?
How do I find peace with death?
How can I live fully knowing I will die?
10. Children and Death
Why do some people die young?
How do children see death differently than adults?
How do I help a child understand death?
How do I help a child cope with losing a loved one?
11. Supporting Others Through Death
How can I comfort someone who is grieving?
How can I support someone who is dying?
12. Preparing for Our Own End
How do I settle unresolved conflicts before I die?
How do I ensure my dependents’ care after I’m gone?
What does it mean to embrace mortality?
Does the world change when we die?
What do we leave behind after we die?
How should we die?
Begin exploring the truth about death with clarity and depth.